Monday 20 January 2014


KINGSTON, Jamaica, January 18, 2014 

Ackee Wines - Bold Ones

“Jamaican manufacturing needs a level playing field if it is to succeed, that’s what we’re asking for.  Reduce and do away with the bureaucracy that presently faces the business sector.”

National Bakery’s Chairman, Gary ‘Butch’ Hendrickson made this call at the official Launch of National Bakery’s 2014 ‘Bold Ones: New Champions of Manufacturing’ campaign. The event took place at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel on Tuesday, January 14.

Eight Jamaican companies were honoured as New Champions of Manufacturing. They are: Spring Vale Enterprises, Lincoln Gordon and Sons, EcoFarms Jamaica Limited, Lifespan Company, Irie Rock Limited, Journey’s End Wine Company, Bartley’s All in Wood and D’Nex Step Sandals and Accessories.

This is the third such programme, bringing National Bakery’s total sponsorship of some 27 new manufacturers to almost $90 million.  Over the next six months, the selected companies will receive multimedia promotional packages, extensive advertising and publicity – including being featured graphically on the sides of the national baking trucks as they traverse the island – and will be hosted by National Bakery at its Pavilion at the upcoming EXPO JAMAICA 2014.

Mr. Hendrickson called particularly for the removal of duties on manufacturing inputs, citing a recent instance where his company, having invested some J$420 million in new equipment, found itself facing additional tariffs of $80 million.

Continuing, Mr. Hendrickson said, “I’m really hoping that our Governments will grasp the critical importance of added value. Manufacturing creates added value, which in turn creates profits, new jobs and overall a better economy and quality of life for Jamaicans.”

NATIONAL BAKERY'S BOLD ONES:  Continental/National Bakery Chairman Gary 'Butch' Hendrickson (front, centre) stands with the new ‘National Bakery Bold Ones of Manufacturing’ and guests at a press launch of the 2014 programme on Tuesday at the Jamaica Pegasus.  From left are (back row): Mrs. Sandra McLeish - Springvale Enterprises; Howard Coxe - Journey's End Wine Co. Ltd; Grace Foster-Reid – Eco Farms Jamaica; Dorrette Ubanks - D'Nex Step Sandals & Accessories; Devon Williams - Lifespan Co. Ltd; Racquell Brown - Irie Rock Ltd; Lincoln Gordon - Lincoln Gordon & Sons; (front row) Christopher Zacca - PSOJ President; Brian Pengelley - JMA President; Mr. Hendrickson; Nayana Williams of Lifespan; Lacey Bartley of Bartley's All in Wood; Ann-Marie Walter-Allen - National Bakery Marketing Manager; and Stephen Sykes - Director of Operations, National Bakery.
- Gleaner photo
To the entrepreneurs selected, Mr Hendrickson said the selection team was impressed with the professionalism and enthusiasm demonstrated by them and urged them to “be Jamaican without apology, but put forward the best of Jamaica.”

In giving his endorsement of the 2014 ‘Bold Ones’ programme, Jamaica Manufacturers’ Association (JMA) president, Brian Pengelley, also called on the Government to work more assiduously in reducing and eliminating costs and waste so as to create a truly business-friendly environment.

The manufacturing sector, Mr. Pengelley said, remained a critical sector to the economy. It employs some 75,000 persons, earning over USD 900million from exports, and contributes some 13% of all taxes collected as well as 8% to GDP.

“We appreciate the strides made to fate, but we as manufacturers would still want to see the Government tackle a number of serious issues, including tax reform, removing bureaucracy, stabilizing currency movements to allow for better planning, reducing energy costs and crime,” Mr. Pengelley said.

Also speaking at the launch Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ) President, Christopher Zacca, lauded National for starting and sustaining the initiative, describing it as “a great positive start to the year.” Mr. Zacca said it was long established that small and medium enterprises were key to development, particularly in transitioning economies such as Jamaica’s, as they contributed to job growth, improved innovation and community development.

He countered however by saying that the SME sector was the most vulnerable to a poor business environment, high taxes, inefficient and costly bureaucracy, corruption and crime. In light of this Mr. Zacca said, “for the country to achieve its full economic potential, major improvements in the business climate will be necessary, to nurture, facilitate and encourage small businesses.”

He added that great progress had been made but that the PSOJ, in seeking to further advance the cause of Jamaican businesses, was presently developing a multi-point agenda for the promotion of the sector and to foster greater co-operation between large and small enterprises.  

This year’s ‘Bold Ones,’ being the third group chosen since 2010, had the privilege of hearing testimonials from two of the initial Bold Ones, Michelle Smith of Chocolate Dreams, and Dennis Hawkins of Spur Tree Spices.

Calling the programme “a dream come true” Smith told the audience that the inclusion in the programme has had a significant positive impact on her company. “We recently completed a mini-expansion at our plant, have also increased our presence in the retail market through outlets at Loshusan Supermarket in Kingston and at the Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay, and we recently completed our first export order to Antigua.”

For his part, Hawkins, speaking on behalf of business partner Mohan Jagnarine, said that since its ‘Bold Ones’ campaign in 2010, the sauces and spices company had moved to a much larger base, had quadrupled output, more than doubled sales and had grown exports to the point where they now accounted for 70% of total sales revenue. He encouraged this year’s class of Bold Ones to plan and carefully consider their overheads and expenditure needs, and to put a proper financial records system in place. Mr. Hawkins also emphasized the importance of believing in their brands and in particular, encouraged them to wear their brands, citing numerous valuable business contacts made locally and overseas by virtue of wearing his Spur Tree branded shirt.

Replying on behalf of the eight chosen companies, Sandra McLeish, Managing Director of Springvale Enterprises, thanked National Bakery for the wonderful opportunity provided by the programme, “Your incredible generosity has made us all very happy, and are excited to embark on this tremendous journey.” The entrepreneur also acknowledged the previous ‘Bold Ones’ for sharing their experiences and said that the companies were eager to learn from their more established counterparts and from the National team.

Sweet - Bold Ones

ABOUT NATIONAL BAKERY (Continental Baking Company)
National Bakery is the leading manufacturer of baked goods in Jamaica, offering a wide range of products under three distinctive brands: National, HTB, and HoMade. Started in 1952 as a family-owned bakery, the company has expanded from its humble beginnings to become the top producer of breads, buns, crackers and other baked products in the island.

The company operates on a 220,000 sq. ft. complex with a state-of the-art biscuit and bread plant. There are over 700 people in the National family. National distributes its freshly made products islandwide each day. The company also exports a variety of its products to the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and other Caribbean Islands.


Kingston, Jamaica – Friday, January 17, 2013
NATIONAL KISS: Brian Foote, Head Boy for Genesis Academy, gleefully receives a kiss on the cheek from Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller. Occasion was the 10th Anniversary Launch of the Digicel Foundation on January 15, which was held at the Stella Maris Foundation, a foundation partner. The Keynote Speaker for the launch was the Prime Minister, who commended the Foundation for its collaborative approach to national development. Digicel Foundation’s core mission is to facilitate sustainable national development through three focus areas—Education, Special Needs and Community Development. Through partnerships, the Foundation has to date directly empowered 446,000 Jamaicans through 400 development projects, with a total investment of JA$1.95B.
PARTNERING FOR OUR FUTURE: Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller, laughs on the shoulder of Andy Thorborn, Digicel’s CEO for Latin America and the Caribbean. Occasion was the 10th Anniversary Launch of the Digicel Foundation on January 15, which was held at the Stella Maris Foundation, a foundation partner. The Keynote Speaker for the launch was the Prime Minister, who commended the Foundation for its collaborative approach to national development. Digicel Foundation’s core mission is to facilitate sustainable national development through three focus areas—Education, Special Needs and Community Development. Through partnerships, the Foundation has to date directly empowered 446,000 Jamaicans through 400 development projects, with a total investment of JA$1.95B.

COMMITTED TO JAMAICA: Samantha Chantrelle, CEO of the Digicel Foundation, highlights the successful partnerships with persons, organisations, and communities in Jamaica, which the foundation has had since its inception in 2004. Seen in the background is sign language interpreter, Tarji Miller, of the Jamaica Association of the Deaf. Occasion was the 10th Anniversary Launch of the Digicel Foundation on January 15, which was held at the Stella Maris Foundation, a foundation partner. The Keynote Speaker for the launch was the Prime Minister, who commended the Foundation for its collaborative approach to national development. Digicel Foundation’s core mission is to facilitate sustainable national development through three focus areas—Education, Special Needs and Community Development. Through partnerships, the Foundation has to date directly empowered 446,000 Jamaicans through 400 development projects, with a total investment of JA$1.95B.

   “The Digicel Foundation was created precisely as a response to the urgent needs of people.  Its birth came as a result of Digicel's response to an emergency--- in the aftermath of Hurricane Ivan in 2004,” noted the Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller, who served as the Keynote speaker at the Digicel Foundation 10th Anniversary Launch. The function was held at the Stella Maris Foundation. 

The Prime Minister continued to commend the work of the Digicel Foundation as she said, “In a decade, this foundation has funded 437 projects to the tune of US$19 million, impacting the lives of 400,000 persons. That is no small accomplishment!  It is an indication of Digicel’s commitment to the people of Jamaica.  The Digicel Foundation has done impressive work in community enterprise, assisting persons in income-generating activities and building their skills.  I am particularly gratified by the foundation’s work in education and with persons with special needs.” 

The Prime Minister further noted the importance of teamwork in national development, “Digicel, and in particular the Digicel Foundation has continued to display its commitment to partnership, collaboration and cooperation with the development of Jamaica and Jamaicans as its primary mandate. The administration I lead believes in Public Private Partnership.  We believe that ‘we are all in this thing together’.

Over the past 10 years, the Foundation has learned that the key to sustainable development is successful partnerships with communities. As such, the Foundation’s core mission is to facilitate sustainable national development through three focus areas—Education, Special Needs and Community Development. 

“Ten years ago, the Digicel Foundation started with the conviction that where we grow, our communities should grow with us. Our Patron, Dennis O’Brien, believed and still believes that the key to national development is the facilitation of sustainable community enterprise projects; true development is only sustainable when people are empowered to help themselves,” said Digicel Foundation Chair, Lisa Lewis. 

To celebrate this 10th Anniversary milestone, the Digicel Foundation also announced a number of collaborations that will be undertaken in each of the three areas of focus. The Special Needs portfolio will continue to work with schools across the island to create Centres of Excellence for Special Needs students, bringing the total number of Centres from four to ten. This year, the Foundation will again host the 5K Run/Walk for Special Needs as well as a 10K Inspiration Run. 

In the Education sector, the Foundation will continue to expand the Enrichment program with the provision of specially designed Mobile Science Carts for 10 schools island-wide. Among the schools selected are: Belmont Academy, Cedar Grove High, Steer Town High, St. Andrew Technical High, Kingston High and others. 

The Digicel Foundation will also partner with the BREDS Foundation under the Community Development portfolio by contributing an additional JA$10 million in support of the Treasure Beach Foundation Sports Park. It was officially opened in November 2011 to the tune of JA$5.7 million, courtesy of the Digicel Foundation. The Park, which is already hosting local schools and clubs, aims to host regional and international sporting events.

About Digicel Foundation

The Digicel Foundation is the largest local private sector foundation in Jamaica. Since its inception in 2004 the Foundation has invested over J$2 billion in communities in which Digicel operates islandwide. The Digicel Foundation has been proactive in the areas of Education, Special Needs, and Community Empowerment.
The Digicel Foundation has:

·          Invested over J$100 million in their Enrichment Initiative in partnership with the Ministry of Education to improve literacy at the primary school level islandwide.
·          Invested over J$100million in resource rooms, including science and IT labs, in high schools islandwide.
·          Committed to building 10 Special Needs schools, two of which, the STEP Centre, and NAZ Children’s Centre and Early Stimulation Plus. An investment of over $100 million has already been made to the special needs sector.
·          Invested over J$60 million in Community Empowerment initiatives over the past four years, including $10 million annually and $15 million in 2012 to support the National Best Communities Competition and Program.
·          Invested $13 million in the ‘Back to Roots—Stronger Roots, Stronger Communities, Stronger Nation Project.’ The programme aims to help community organizations become more self-reliant by facilitating their transition to social enterprises, by teaching them how to run sustainable community businesses.

Friday 17 January 2014


Kingston, Jamaica – JANUARY 16, 2014

 The J$173M Super Lotto Jackpot winner who purchased the winning ticket for Draw #436 (November 29, 2013) in Barbados, claimed his prize at the Barbados Lottery on January 15.

Mr. Vincent Haynes received the equivalent of BD$3.29M or US$1.65M during a press conference held at the Barbados Lottery office in Barbados. Mr. Haynes received his Cheque from Denny Brewster – Site Manager for the Barbados Lottery, in the presence of Sonia Davidson of Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL) and Junior Smith of the Betting Gaming & Lotteries Commission (BGLC).
The winning numbers, which were purchased through a Quick Pick bet, were: 05, 06, 19, 21, 31 and Super Ball 07 at a price of J$250 or BD$5. Quick Pick bets are numbers randomly selected by the lottery system. Mr. Haynes purchased his ticket at 3K’s located in the Super Centre at Holetown, in the parish of St. James in Barbados.

Haynes who was born in Barbados works at the golf course of the Sandy Lane Resort. He comes from a large family and had plans to retire soon, so the winnings will come in handy for retirement income. He also has plans to build a new house. Haynes said: “I never used to check my lottery tickets but would leave them in the car and my wife would find them and check. For this one though, I just had a feeling and decided to check the numbers online with my son. I was so surprised to find that the numbers were the winning ones.”

Davidson who also spoke at the press conference said: “We at Supreme Ventures, the lottery operator in Jamaica are very pleased that Mr. Haynes has come forward to claim the prize. He has told us of his retirement plans and we wish for him a long and fruitful retirement period.”

The total Super Lotto Jackpot prizes won to date is over J$2B since SVL started selling Super Lotto tickets on August 25, 2009 for the multi-jurisdictional game, which is the first game of its kind in the Caribbean and Latin America. The participating territories are: the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Barbados, St. Kitts & Nevis, Anguilla, Antigua, St. Maarten and the US Virgin Islands.
The draw is conducted live in the Dominican Republic on Tuesdays and Fridays, with a delayed broadcast in Jamaica at 8:30pm, simultaneously on Television Jamaica and Irie FM.

Super Lotto winner Vincent Haynes displays the cheque for the Jamaican equivalent of $173M