Wednesday 27 November 2013


Kingston, Jamaica – November 27, 2013
DONATION TO FFP 30TH ANNIVERSARY SCHOOL FURNITURE PROGRAMME:  Chairman of Food For The Poor (FFP) Jamaica, Andrew Mahfood (left), expresses delight in accepting a J$2 million donation from Chairman of the Continental Baking Company Limited, Gary Hendrickson during a presentation ceremony recently.   This contribution will go towards the purchase of a 40-foot container load of 1100 student desks and chairs that will assist FFP with its 30th Anniversary School Furniture Programme. The FFP School Furniture initiative will be of utmost importance in improving the teaching / learning and aesthetic environment of schools. It was inspired by the Ministry of Education’s stated need for thousands of desks and chairs to satisfy the dire furniture requirements of public educational institutions islandwide.

 Support from corporate Jamaica and civil society is growing for the Food For The Poor (FFP) 30th Anniversary School Furniture Programme, which was launched recently. So far, five companies and one Foundation have made donations.

The donations made to date, in addition to the contribution from FFP Head Office, will allow FFP to purchase 6,050 student chairs and desks. FFP will be handing over in the January 2014 school term, the first 2,200 desks and chairs, which are fully funded by the charity. 


While expressing delight at the positive responses from the six organizations, Andrew Mahfood, Chairman, FFP Jamaica appealed for much more businesses and ordinary citizens to follow suit. “To provide the required desks and chairs for our school children, we need as much help as we can get from businesses, private sector foundations, civil society and all Jamaicans,” urged Mr. Mahfood. “This is our 30th birthday present that we are asking everyone for, so that we can take that present and give it to the children of our country”, he added. The FFPJ Chairman has also called on Jamaicans living in the Diaspora, to assist the Programme in achieving its target of raising a total of US $300,000 (i.e. the equivalent of J $31.5 million).

The charity has set as its target the provision of no fewer than 15,000 school desks and chairs to educational institutions islandwide between October 2013 and the end of the 2013-2014 academic year.


Mr. Mahfood has high praises for all six donor organizations: Continental Baking Company, Lasco Affiliated Companies, Wisynco Group, Tank Weld, Spanish Development Foundation, and Proven Wealth which have come on board: “We thank you for your substantial contribution in assisting us in helping to create an aesthetically pleasing and child-friendly environment in our schools. Our children are badly in need of these necessary tools, so you are helping to create a positive difference in their lives.”

The first company to make a significant donation to the Programme was Continental Baking Company Ltd. (National), which has contributed to the purchase of one 40-foot-container-load of 1,100 student desks and chairs. Making the presentation, Gary ‘Butch’ Hendrickson, Chairman of the company, said, “This donation is made on behalf of the staff here at Continental Baking Company towards your charity’s efforts in education.”

Lasco Affiliated Companies' donation also financed the purchase of a 40-foot-container-load of 1,100 student desks and chairs. The donations from Spanish-Jamaica Foundation, Tank Weld and Wisynco will purchase one and half container.

All the donor groups have commended FFP for its efforts in assisting the children of Jamaica and have expressed the wish that their contributions will aid the charity in meeting its school furniture provision-target.


FFP’s 30th Anniversary School Furniture Programme is intended to satisfy the dire furniture requirements of schools, which are facing an acute shortage of these much-needed supplies. Mr. Mahfood noted that his charity is determined that Jamaica’s children should be allowed to reach their highest potential in a comfortable and nurturing learning environment.

FFP believes its 30th Anniversary School Furniture initiative will be of great importance in improving the teaching / learning and aesthetic environment of schools. It was inspired by the Ministry of Education’s stated need for thousands of desks and chairs to satisfy the dire furniture requirements of public educational institutions islandwide.

This 30th Anniversary School Furniture initiative is the latest in a series of school furniture distributions by FFP over the years.  Between January and August this year, 36 schools received school furniture from FFP.


Donors to the 30th Anniversary School Furniture Programme may make their contributions online at: Persons may also send their commitments to and deposit their donations to NCB St. Jago Shopping Centre Branch, Account number 47-1043885. Those wishing to make US dollar donations should lodge to the NCB St. Jago Shopping Centre Branch, Account Number 47-4335267.

Food For The Poor (FFP)-Jamaica is the largest charity organization in the country.  Food For The Poor Inc., located in Florida, USA, was named by The Chronicle of Philanthropy as the largest international relief and development organization in the United States. 
It is an interdenominational Christian agency that does much more than feed the millions of hungry poor in 17 countries of the Caribbean and Latin America. FFP provides emergency relief assistance, clean water, medicines, educational materials, homes, support for orphans and the aged, skills training and micro-enterprise development assistance, with more than 95% of all donations going directly to programmes that help the poor. For more information visit our Web site at

Erica James-King, PROComm, T: 926-6740 or 564-5277

Petri-Ann Henry, Food For The Poor, T:  984-5005 or 564-288

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