Tuesday 25 November 2014


Friday 21st November 2014 – Port of Spain, Trinidad

Digicel today publicly called on the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) to hold firm and withstand the severe pressure being applied by UK based Cable and Wireless Communications (CWC) and Columbus International Inc. (Columbus) to rapidly approve the proposed acquisition of Columbus by CWC. 

Under the concessions granted to Columbus in Trinidad, CWC/Columbus are obliged to seek regulatory approval from TATT to allow the change of control of Columbus’ operations in Trinidad and Tobago to CWC.  TATT is obliged to consider the application and may insist on certain conditions being applied to the proposed transaction before the change of control is approved in Trinidad and Tobago.

Digicel notes that CWC and Columbus have embarked on a strategy of seeking to railroad through this acquisition by seeking to ‘put a gun to the heads’ of regulators right across the Caribbean region.  CWC and Columbus seek to do this by artificially setting purported dates for termination of their share purchase agreement.  This deliberate ploy is designed to seek to avoid or curtail proper regulatory consideration of the proposed transaction and the undoubted impact that it will have on the telecommunications industry right across the region. 

Digicel notes that the situation is even more serious in Trinidad and Tobago considering the fact that CWC already owns 49% of TSTT.  Digicel regards this peremptory setting of demands by CWC/Columbus as being wholly inappropriate and highly irregular and is calling upon TATT to reject such demands and to retain control over its own processes, procedures and mandate. The simple fact is that CWC and Columbus can extend or amend these dates without any impediment.

CEO of Digicel Trinidad and Tobago, John Delves, comments; ‘It is not for CWC or Columbus to tell TATT or any other Regulatory body how to do their job or the period of time that they are allowed to do it in.  These attempts to force their will on what is a hugely significant regulatory process must be resisted and rejected by TATT.  This application to allow the acquisition of Columbus by CWC needs to be subjected to a rigorous review by TATT and a proper, considered analysis of the effects on the telecoms market and industry in Trinidad and Tobago must be conducted and acted upon. 

He continues; “CWC and Columbus may feel that their combined might already gives them the right to dictate to Regulators in the region what to do; this cannot be so.  We are calling on TATT to fulfil its mandate, and to be allowed to fulfil its mandate, in the best interests of the people of Trinidad and Tobago and not to be dictated to by CWC/Columbus. This includes dictating the time periods allowed for the review process.”



Digicel Group is a total communications and entertainment provider with operations in 33 markets in the Caribbean, Central America and Asia Pacific. After 13 years of operation, total investment to date stands at over US$5 billion worldwide. The company is renowned for delivering best value, best service and best network.
Digicel is the lead sponsor of Caribbean, Central American and Pacific sports teams, including the Special Olympics teams throughout these regions. Digicel sponsors the West Indies cricket team and is also the presenting partner of the Caribbean Premier League. In the Pacific, Digicel is the proud sponsor of several national rugby teams and also sponsors the Vanuatu cricket team.
Digicel also runs a host of community-based initiatives across its markets and has set up Digicel Foundations in Haiti, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea and Trinidad and Tobago which focus on educational, cultural and social development programmes.
Visit www.digicelgroup.com for more information.


Thursday 20th November 2014 – Kingston, Jamaica

Digicel today welcomed the confirmation by the Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (ECTEL) that the proposed merger between Cable and Wireless Communications (CWC) and Columbus Communications Inc. (Columbus) is a matter of significant public interest for the region deserving of rigourous regulatory attention and diligent review. 

In a statement issued yesterday, ECTEL announced its ‘deep concern’ in relation to the proposed transaction and the fact that the proposed merger could ‘potentially result in a negative impact on competition’ by ‘reducing choice for consumers of both services and service providers’. ECTEL further noted that ‘increased monopolisation can erode the gains made by liberalisation’. ECTEL went on to state that the proposed merger raises significant issues in terms of potential breaches of licences by both CWC and Columbus which must be investigated thoroughly.

In announcements to the financial markets, CWC and Columbus stated that regulatory notifications and approvals would only be required in the United States, Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad.  Digicel regards these dismissive statements as constituting an insult to the Regulatory authorities and Governments of the ECTEL member states; and particularly those of Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.  

Digicel is heartened to note that ECTEL and the local National Telecommunications Regulatory Commissions (NTRCs) in each Member State have signalled their determination to stand up and be counted in the face of such dismissive statements to the financial markets.

Digicel confirms its willingness and desire to engage with ECTEL and the NTRCs in each Member State such that a proper rigourous review of the telecommunications markets and the proposed acquisition can be undertaken.  It is only on foot of such a review that any worthwhile assessment of the proposed acquisition on competition and consumer welfare can be conducted properly and responsibly. 

Digicel Group CEO, Colm Delves, commented; “We very much welcome this intervention by ECTEL and its expression of support for a rigorous regulatory examination of the proposed acquisition.  Digicel was taken aback by the dismissive position of CWC/Columbus that the Governments of the ECTEL Member States and the established Regulatory Authorities in those countries were essentially powerless and had no right to oversee the proposed merger.  The fact that CWC and Columbus are seeking to essentially put a gun to the heads of the Caribbean regulatory authorities and Governments to approve their transaction on their terms and according to their own self-declared timetables is also a cause for alarm.”

He continues; “Digicel believes that ECTEL and the NTRCs in each Member State have an absolute right, morally as well as legally, to subject the proposed merger to a rigorous examination and approvals process in collaboration with their respective Governments and relevant Ministerial bodies.”



Digicel Group is a total communications and entertainment provider with operations in 33 markets in the Caribbean, Central America and Asia Pacific. After 13 years of operation, total investment to date stands at over US$5 billion worldwide. The company is renowned for delivering best value, best service and best network.
Digicel is the lead sponsor of Caribbean, Central American and Pacific sports teams, including the Special Olympics teams throughout these regions. Digicel sponsors the West Indies cricket team and is also the presenting partner of the Caribbean Premier League. In the Pacific, Digicel is the proud sponsor of several national rugby teams and also sponsors the Vanuatu cricket team.
Digicel also runs a host of community-based initiatives across its markets and has set up Digicel Foundations in Haiti, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea and Trinidad and Tobago which focus on educational, cultural and social development programmes.
Visit www.digicelgroup.com for more information.


KINGSTON, JAMAICA, November 18, 2014   

The GraceKennedy Board of Directors has approved the extension of the share repurchase programme to December 31, 2014.

The share repurchase programme which was initially approved by the Board in February 2013 and which commenced on October 17, 2013 was for the purchase of up to a maximum of 2.5% of the shares of the Company in issue from time to time over a period of one year to October 17, 2014. Under this programme the Company has so far repurchased a total of 3,847,550 out of the maximum of 8,382,965 units.

GraceKennedy has further announced that there is no change in the administration of the programme and the repurchase of the shares will continue to be conducted on the open market through the Company’s stockbrokers in Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago. The Company’s cash flows will be the source of funds for the repurchase of shares. 

As before, the Company will also not be setting a fixed price for the share repurchase, and the price for the acquisition of the shares will be the market price at the times of the repurchase. The Company continues to reserve the right to decline any offer above the ceiling that the Company may from time to time determine in its sole discretion.

In keeping with the requirements of the Companies Act of Jamaica, within 30 days of the dates of the repurchase of shares, GraceKennedy will advise its stockholders of the number of shares purchased, names of stockholders from whom they were purchased and price paid.

Group CEO Don Wehby indicated that the Company continues to be of the view that its share price is below its true value and an opportunity exists to enhance shareholder value.  The share repurchase will serve to utilize excess liquidity in the Company and raise earnings per share.   He further stated that “The GraceKennedy Board believes that investing in our own company is an effective use of capital as we see this as a good investment for long term returns.”


Simone Clarke-Cooper

Group Chief Communication Manager
GraceKennedy Ltd
73 Harbour Street


Tuesday 18th November 2014 – Kingston, Jamaica

·         Believes that Cable &Wireless has over-paid by US$1 billion

·         Calls on regulators to see through Cable & Wireless/Columbus smokescreen and subject proposed transaction to fullest regulatory scrutiny

Digicel today called on all regulatory bodies throughout the Caribbean to see through the smokescreen put up by Cable & Wireless/Columbus and subject the proposed transaction to the fullest regulatory scrutiny.

Responding to Cable & Wireless’s recent comments in the media, Digicel can confirm that it looked at Columbus Communications several months ago and that it was Digicel’s assessment that the value of Columbus Communications was no more than US$2 billion. The assertion by UK-listed Cable & Wireless that Digicel is suffering from “sour grapes” couldn’t be further from the truth as the reality is Digicel was not prepared to over-pay for the business – unlike Cable & Wireless.

With the proposed combined entity having a near stranglehold on the fixed line, broadband and cable TV markets across the region, Digicel is cautioning that this monopolistic position will translate to higher prices for consumers, a slower pace of investment and innovation, job losses and ultimately reduced economic stimulation for the Caribbean – not least because consumers will be looked on to pay up for the massive premium that was paid for the business.

Digicel Group CEO, Colm Delves, said; “Any discussion of whether or not Digicel was 
interested in buying Columbus is a smokescreen put up by Cable & Wireless as it tries to railroad through a very expensive transaction that will put enormous pressure on its balance sheet. While Digicel did take a look at Columbus, the simple fact is that Cable & Wireless paid some US$1 billion more for Columbus Communications than in our view it is actually worth – a fact that should be of grave concern to its shareholders and the public alike. There is a real probability that customers will ultimately have to pay the price for the exorbitant price that was agreed. Cable & Wireless has said that it can’t “talk about pricing and plans until the deals are done” and that statement alone should set alarm bells ringing.” 

He continues; “It’s vital that the good of consumers is top of mind with regulators and Governments. Digicel has been at the forefront of competition in the communications industry and that competition is key to a vibrant market and to economic development - we cannot risk jeopardising all that has been achieved to date. The proposed transaction must be examined properly and in the fullness of time by all of the relevant agencies to ensure that consumers’ interests are protected and promoted.”


Digicel Group is a total communications and entertainment provider with operations in 33 markets in the Caribbean, Central America and Asia Pacific. After 13 years of operation, total investment to date stands at over US$5 billion worldwide. The company is renowned for delivering best value, best service and best network.
Digicel is the lead sponsor of Caribbean, Central American and Pacific sports teams, including the Special Olympics teams throughout these regions. Digicel sponsors the West Indies cricket team and is also the presenting partner of the Caribbean Premier League. In the Pacific, Digicel is the proud sponsor of several national rugby teams and also sponsors the Vanuatu cricket team.
Digicel also runs a host of community-based initiatives across its markets and has set up Digicel Foundations in Haiti, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea and Trinidad and Tobago which focus on educational, cultural and social development programmes.
Visit www.digicelgroup.com for more information.

Friday 7 November 2014

YOUNG HAITIAN LIVES SAVED IN THE CAYMAN ISLANDS ( - Health City, Digicel, Have A Heart and Haiti Cardiac Alliance partner to offer free heart surgeries )

Thursday 6th November 2014 – Kingston, Jamaica 

Four young Haitians returned to their home country last week having recently undergone life-saving heart surgery at Health City Cayman Islands.

The youngsters, aged between 6 and 16, travelled to Cayman last month to receive these vital surgeries, which were performed free of charge by Health City cardiac surgeons, led by Dr. Binoy Chattuparambil, a senior cardiothoracic and vascular surgeon, and Dr. Sripadh Upadhya, a senior paediatric cardiologist.

The surgeries were the first performed under Health City's partnership with Have a Heart, a philanthropic organisation formed in 2000 by Harry Chandi and Manu Chatlani. The charity has supported more than 6,000 paediatric heart surgeries in India to date. Chandi is now broadening this work and is in the process of forming Have a Heart Cayman with Gene Thompson, project director at Health City Cayman Islands.

Staff working at Haiti Cardiac Alliance, a US-based non-profit organisation that has facilitated cardiac surgery for 58 Haitian children and young adults since early 2012, identified the Haitian patients as in desperate need of such surgery.

Among the key stakeholders making the initiative possible was mobile telecommunications operator Digicel, which facilitated transportation for the young patients and their parents to and from the Cayman Islands.

Owen Robinson, Executive Director of Haiti Cardiac Alliance, said there are more than 200 children on its surgical waiting list, a number that grows by the week. He said the organisation was delighted to be contacted by staff at Health City Cayman Islands about a year ago to see how they could assist.

"Half have conditions that can't be dealt with in Haiti because they are too complex. These young people may also need intensive care after surgery. We are so excited to be working with Health City because we knew they would have the facilities and abilities that we don't have in Haiti right now."

Robinson said the surgeries went incredibly well and the young people were up and about soon after surgery, eating, smiling and relieved they were through the ordeal. Some had even begun to learn a few words of English and were happy talking with Health City's staff.

"Staff at Health City were incredible, not only within the hospital, but they also went shopping for toys and snacks for the children," Robinson said. "They went out of their way to make the patients feel at home."

Dr. Chandy Abraham, Medical and Facility Director at Health City, said the Caribbean hospital was honoured to be of service; "When we met with Haiti Cardiac Alliance last year in Haiti we realised just how great the need was for our services, especially among young people. Haiti Cardiac Alliance does a tremendous job in pushing hard to scale up surgical opportunities in Haiti and overseas, and we were privileged to assist them in reaching their goal of helping those in critical need of help."

Raul Nicholson-Coe, Chief Operating Officer with Digicel Cayman, said the company was delighted to be supporting the initiative. "Across all of our markets worldwide, we are firmly committed to giving back to our communities and to helping those most in need. In Haiti for instance, this has seen us building 150 schools and providing education to 50,000 children each day."

"The children are a credit to themselves and we're touched by their incredible bravery and positivity. We hope this is the beginning of a much wider initiative," he added.

Owen Robinson said Digicel's contribution was significant to the initiative: "Without the use of the company's plane the youngsters would have needed to travel via the United States and would require transit visas - adding thousands of more dollars in airfares which was not a viable option," he said.

Haiti Cardiac Alliance's goal is to ensure that more than 100 children access surgery in 2015. "Eventually, to keep up with the incidence, we need to reach a level where at least 500 children access surgery each year," Robinson said. There are at least 50 kids among those on our list who are at high risk of death within the next six to nine months if we cannot get them the care they need."

Gene Thompson said Have a Heart Cayman looked forward to extending its charitable offering to many others in dire need. "It's a blessing to see how much better those children were when then left Cayman and the new lease on life they had," he said.

"Demonstrating compassion and care for our neighbours is at the heart of Health City Cayman Islands' mission," said Dr. Abraham. "Along with our partners, we look forward to embarking on more projects such as this in the near future to touch many more lives in the Caribbean."

About Digicel
Digicel Group is a leading total communications and entertainment provider with operations in 33 markets in the Caribbean, Central America and Asia Pacific. After 13 years of operation, total investment to date stands at over US$5 billion worldwide. The company is renowned for delivering best value, best service and best network.
Digicel is the lead sponsor of Caribbean, Central American and Pacific sports teams, including the Special Olympics teams throughout these regions. Digicel sponsors the West Indies cricket team and is also the presenting partner of the Caribbean Premier League. In the Pacific, Digicel is the proud sponsor of several national rugby teams and also sponsors the Vanuatu cricket team.
Digicel also runs a host of community-based initiatives across its markets and has set up Digicel Foundations in Haiti, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea and Trinidad and Tobago which focus on educational, cultural and social development programmes.
Visit www.digicelgroup.com for more information.

About Health City Cayman Islands

Health City Cayman Islands, the vision of famed heart surgeon and humanitarian Dr. Devi Shetty, is supported by two major healthcare organizations, Narayana Health and the U.S.-based Ascension, along with the Cayman Islands government. The facility provides compassionate, high-quality, affordable healthcare services for all in a world-class, comfortable, patient-centred environment.

Offering healthcare to international, regional and local patients, Health City Cayman Islands delivers excellence in adult and paediatric cardiology, cardiac surgery, medical oncology, orthopaedics, paediatric endorinology, and pulmonology.

For further information, visit www.healthcity.ky.

Thursday 6 November 2014

GraceKennedy's Third Quarter results - 20.5% growth in net profit


Company Delivers 20.5% growth in net profit

KINGSTON, JAMAICA, November 6 – GraceKennedy is reporting that unaudited results for the Group for the nine months ending September 30, 2014, show revenues for the period of $57.4 billion, an increase of 15.5% or $7.7 billion over the corresponding period of 2013.  Net profit attributable to owners of the Company increased by $406.3 million or 20.5% compared to the same period last year.    

"It has been a challenging period, but we are really proud of what we have achieved,"   remarked GraceKennedy Group CEO, Don Wehby. He pointed to the company's acquisition of the business and assets of La Fe Foods Inc., - which has its operations in New Jersey, Florida and North Carolina - in July, as well as the acquisition of an additional 50% of the shares in EC Global Insurance Company Limited, a St. Lucian company (making GK majority shareholders) in September, as two outstanding highlights. "The La Fe acquisition has the potential to significantly expand our North American business with our own distribution, manufacturing and brand building capabilities in that market.  As majority shareholder of EC Global, we are excited about the prospects that this business provides for our continued expansion in the region," he said.  Mr Wehby was quick to emphasize that even with those significant developments, the company remains extremely focused on the 'fortress' of GK – its domestic business.

GraceKennedy Foods (GK Foods) recorded 21% growth in revenue over the corresponding period last year, a performance boosted by the La Fe acquisition as well as the continued strong performance of business in Europe and the United Kingdom. While revenue performance improved, profits were impacted by the depreciation of the Jamaican dollar, resulting in lower margins. Several new products were developed and launched in Jamaica and Canada specifically, and the domestic segment continues to focus on several projects to enhance efficiency, capability and profitability. 

Of special note also, is Grace Agro Processors' (GAP) increased pepper mash production.  The GraceKennedy processing plant located in Hounslow, St Elizabeth, now produces twice its normal output of pepper mash and provides supply not only to the local market, but for export to markets in the United Kingdom, Switzerland and St Lucia.

Strong performance in the remittance business (particularly in Jamaica and Guyana) coupled with an improved performance in the insurance underwriting business (mainly at JIIC) were the chief contributing factors behind higher revenue and pre-tax profit for the GraceKennedy Financial Group (GKFG) over the corresponding period last year. In August 2014, GraceKennedy Money Services (GKMS) piloted CoinXchange, a hassle-free service for exchanging coins for notes. Another noteworthy development this quarter is GraceKennedy Payment Services Limited's approval from the Bank of Jamaica to proceed with a pilot introduction of the new, innovative mobile money service, with exciting prospects and benefits to come from this initiative.   

While First Global Bank recorded good growth in deposits and loans resulting in increased net income, the banking and investments segment reported a decline in profits due to a decline in gain on sales of securities as well as increased operating expenses. During the quarter, GK Capital Management Limited received a Securities Dealer Licence from the Financial Services Commission and received approval from the Jamaica Stock Exchange to begin trading.

Group CFO Frank James disclosed that the company declared an interim dividend of $0.85 per stock unit on November 6, 2014, bringing the total dividend since the start of the year to $2.33 per stock unit up from $2.18 per stock unit in the prior year. "We are happy to advise that our shareholders' equity and earnings per share has increased over the nine month period, and we are working hard to ensure that this trend continues," said Mr James.
"We are encouraged by our third quarter results, and are motivated to keep working to achieve our goals," said the Group CEO.   He added, "We thank our shareholders, our staff, customers and other stakeholders for your continued support as we continue to transition towards becoming a Global Consumer Group with focus on foods internationally and financial services in the region."

Simone Clarke-Cooper
 Group Chief Communication Manager
GraceKennedy Ltd
73 Harbour Street

Tel : 932-3174 (office)
          809-1121 (cell)

Fax:  948-3073 (fax)

Wednesday 5 November 2014


Kingston, Jamaica: Monday, November 3, 2014

The Caribbean Community of Retired Persons (CCRP), is pleased to announce that they have exceeded their first target of 200 subscribers to the CCRP/Sagicor Major Medical Group Health Plan which was launched last month.  CCRP's Co-ordinator, Dorett Linton commented that the CCRP Kingsway office was particularly busy in the week leading up to October 15, the date set for achieving 200 subscribers in order to mobilize the Scheme. 

At the end of the day on Wednesday, October 15, 240 CCRP members had registered and by the following week the number climbed to 325.

"We are delighted with this result", said CCRP Director, Mike Fraser who had spearheaded the idea with collaborators at Sagicor Desmon Jangalee, Errol Morris and Clive Ebanks. 

Mr. Fraser further commented, "Jamaicans in the 50+ age group continue to live healthy lifestyles and deserve to be able to preserve their health and their need for major medical interventions including hospitalisation and follow-up treatments". 

The CCRP Major Medical Plan offers Laboratory & X-Ray Services, Diagnostic Services, Hospitalisation Services & Surgical Benefits and Overseas Emergency Benefits up to J$5 million with an annual premium of $13,588.

The Plan is open to CCRP members and application forms are available from 6 Kingsway location.  Further information is available via telephone 876-926-6740 or 929-3454 or email info@ccrponline.org.


Kingston, Jamaica – October 29, 2014

For the third consecutive year, The Chronicle of Philanthropy has ranked Food For The Poor (FFP), a charity founded 32 years ago, as the largest international relief and development organization in the United States.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy, based in Washington, DC, publishes an annual charity watch survey that ranks the top charities, based on most donations from private sources. FFP was ranked the largest international relief and development organization on October 19.

In responding to this recognition given to FFP, Robin Mahfood, President and CEO, stated that FFP could not have been named the largest international relief and development organization again, were it not for its donors, most of whom are US citizens.

“The American people are extremely generous, and have saved the lives of those who have been recipients of their generosity. Last year, thanks to our compassionate donors and God’s guidance, we provided more than US$1 billion in aid and redevelopment projects,” said Robin Mahfood, President/CEO of Food For The Poor.

“Together with our donors, we cry when a malnourished child dies, and celebrate when nutritious food is delivered in time to quell the hunger pains of other starving children. Because of our loyal donors’ tremendous love, Food For The Poor will continue to be good stewards, and implement projects to reach an ever-wider circle of need,” Mahfood further stated.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s survey also ranked Food For The Poor as the 11th largest overall charity out of 400 non-profits surveyed nationwide, as well as the largest charitable organization in Florida. The rankings appear in the 23rd edition of The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s annual “Philanthropy 400” report.

FFP does much more than feed millions of hungry people in 17 countries of the Caribbean and Latin America. The Christian ministry provides emergency relief assistance, clean water, medicines, educational materials, homes, support for orphans and the aged, skills training and micro-enterprise development assistance, with more than 95 percent of all donations going directly to programs that help the poor.

FFP shipped 3,518 tractor-trailer-loads of aid in 2013, providing vital resources to poverty-stricken children and families struggling to survive. FFP also continues to provide clean water, in addition to building homes, schools, training centers, and clinics. In 2013, the charity constructed 6,808 housing units – bringing the total to more than 91,000 housing units since its inception.

For more information, please contact: 

Ainsworth Morris, PROComm, Tel: 926-6740 or 3756136 


Kingston, Jamaica – October 30, 2014

Jamaica’s Grammy award-winning reggae star, Shaggy, will perform at Food For The Poor’s (FFP) 20th annual Building Hope Gala, to raise funds to build critically needed houses for poverty-stricken individuals living in Pon Batay, Haiti.

FFP’s 20th annual Building Hope Gala will be Friday, February 6, 2015, at Boca West Country Club in Boca Raton, Florida.

According to Robin Mahfood, FFP President/CEO, the charity organisation is elated that Shaggy has chosen to assist them in raising funds to help build permanent homes for people living in dirt-floor makeshift shacks, who lack clean drinking water and must walk miles to another community to fetch water from a well.

“Shaggy is a true friend of Food For The Poor. Thanks to Shaggy, the determination of Building Hope Gala committee members, and the South Florida community, Food For The Poor is positioned to build even more homes to commemorate the gala’s 20th anniversary,” Mr. Mahfood said.

He further stated, “The gift of a safe, secure home is a tremendous blessing for a family who lives in a crumbling one-room shack, and does not know where their next meal will come from. A home offers more than shelter to a destitute family - it offers hope.”

Since its founding 32 years ago, FFP has built more than 91,000 housing units for people desperately in need of adequate shelter. At Building Hope Gala, attendees will be invited to make pledges for the construction of the houses. Attendees will also be able to bid on additional silent auction prizes, such as electronics, jewelry, vacations, golf and dining packages at Boca West Country Club.  
Supporters can donate a Food For The Poor home in advance of the Building Hope Gala. Donors who do this will be entered into a drawing to win two tickets to New York Fashion Week in September 2015.

 For more information, please contact:  
Ainsworth Morris, PROComm, Tel: 926-6740 or 3756136 


Kingston, Jamaica – October 30, 2014

 Twelve sophomore students and three professors from the College of Dentistry at the University of Florida have volunteered and travelled to Jamaica to assist Food For The Poor with providing free dental services to less fortunate individuals living in Kingston, St. Andrew and St. Elizabeth.

The volunteers from the University arrived on Saturday, October 25 and offered three days’ worth of free dental services between October 27 and 29, to over 200 children and adults in the communities of Whitfield in Kingston, Stony Hill in St. Andrew and Braes River in St. Elizabeth. These dental services included: oral hygiene education, cleaning for children and extractions for both children and adults.

Mr. David Mair, Executive Director of Food For The Poor Jamaica, stated that his organization was elated about the partnership with the students and professors, to assist Jamaicans in dire need of dental care.

“Food For The Poor is happy that members of the College of Dentistry at the University of Florida have travelled to Jamaica to help clean and extract teeth of Jamaicans, and also educate them about oral hygiene,” Mr. Mair said.

“Food For The Poor is not only about giving tangible items, but partnering with other organisations and offering quality services which many Jamaicans cannot afford, such as the services of a dentist,” Mr. Mair added.

The idea of bringing members of the College of Dentistry to Jamaica was that of Dr. Lindsey Chang, Professor in the department at the University, who is a Jamaican. She spearheaded the first trip of professors and college students in 2011.

“I was inspired to start this programme because of the need that exists here in Jamaica. Most of the persons who have benefitted have never been to the dentist because they cannot afford to see one. This is a privilege for many of them and that makes our trip very rewarding,” Dr. Chang said in an interview before stating that her students are always eager and excited about assisting Jamaicans on this annual mission trip.

Dr Abi Adewumi, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Paediatric Dentistry at University of Florida was one of the individuals who accompanied Dr Chang and the students. She said the initiative was not only beneficial to Jamaicans, but to herself and the students, because they got to assist needy individuals and experience Jamaica’s wonderful culture.

“It is always a rewarding experience for me to be here in Jamaica to encourage good oral health practices among the very poor. We have developed good relationships with the recipients over the years, and they look forward to seeing us. It is also a great experience for our students who volunteer their time and skills to improve the oral health of these persons. I am sure this is a positive experience for them and one that will always be remembered,” Dr Adewumi said.

Also benefitting from the visit were students from Braes River Basic School. Commenting on the school’s behalf, the principal, Mrs. Eddie Gayle said her institution was grateful for the free dental care services offered.

“This is a very vital programme for the community. Most parents cannot afford this kind of service for their children and themselves. Most cannot even afford to clean their teeth. I am extremely happy to know that the students have benefitted from it. I wish the team could come every year to our community, because this is very helpful, especially for the students. They are very pleasant, so you find that the children are not afraid to sit with them,” Mrs. Gayle said.