Wednesday 5 November 2014


Kingston, Jamaica – October 30, 2014

Jamaica’s Grammy award-winning reggae star, Shaggy, will perform at Food For The Poor’s (FFP) 20th annual Building Hope Gala, to raise funds to build critically needed houses for poverty-stricken individuals living in Pon Batay, Haiti.

FFP’s 20th annual Building Hope Gala will be Friday, February 6, 2015, at Boca West Country Club in Boca Raton, Florida.

According to Robin Mahfood, FFP President/CEO, the charity organisation is elated that Shaggy has chosen to assist them in raising funds to help build permanent homes for people living in dirt-floor makeshift shacks, who lack clean drinking water and must walk miles to another community to fetch water from a well.

“Shaggy is a true friend of Food For The Poor. Thanks to Shaggy, the determination of Building Hope Gala committee members, and the South Florida community, Food For The Poor is positioned to build even more homes to commemorate the gala’s 20th anniversary,” Mr. Mahfood said.

He further stated, “The gift of a safe, secure home is a tremendous blessing for a family who lives in a crumbling one-room shack, and does not know where their next meal will come from. A home offers more than shelter to a destitute family - it offers hope.”

Since its founding 32 years ago, FFP has built more than 91,000 housing units for people desperately in need of adequate shelter. At Building Hope Gala, attendees will be invited to make pledges for the construction of the houses. Attendees will also be able to bid on additional silent auction prizes, such as electronics, jewelry, vacations, golf and dining packages at Boca West Country Club.  
Supporters can donate a Food For The Poor home in advance of the Building Hope Gala. Donors who do this will be entered into a drawing to win two tickets to New York Fashion Week in September 2015.

 For more information, please contact:  
Ainsworth Morris, PROComm, Tel: 926-6740 or 3756136 

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