Friday 4 April 2014


Kingston, Jamaica: March 20, 2014

The National Road Safety Council (NRSC) will launch its annual National Road Safety Poster Competition on Monday, March 24 with three categories of winners being targeted this year.
The competition is open to children and youth from ages six to nineteen and ends on Friday, April 25.
Based on the continued high levels of pedestrian involvement in motor vehicle crashes, the NRSC has decided to continue its focus on pedestrian safety and the theme this year is: “Pedestrian Safety – Our Responsibility”.
Since the start of the year and up to March 12, there were 59 reported fatalities from 56 crashes on the roads. Of this number, 16 were pedestrians, 11 motorcyclists and seven pedal cyclists. The number of road deaths is seven more than those for the similar period last year. Four children were killed on the roads during the period, of which two were pedestrians.
Vice-Chairman of the NRSC, Dr. Lucien Jones, explained the reason for maintaining the focus on pedestrian safety. “Despite our efforts last year, pedestrian, motorcyclist and pedal cyclist deaths remain a major concern. We, therefore, want to remind Jamaicans that we all have a responsibility to ensure the safety of all on the roads by practising safe measures when walking, riding or driving. Our children and youth also have a role to play in the effort to reduce road fatalities.”
The posters, which should be original designs must include one of, or a combination of the following areas of expression: drawing, painting or mixed media.
Each poster must be accompanied by a correctly completed entry form or a sheet of paper indicating name, date of birth, address, telephone number/email address, entry category, name of school, youth club, and theme of Poster Competition.
Students can access entry forms at the NRSC’s website,, or at the NRSC blog, Entry forms are also available at the NRSC’s offices at 145 Maxfield Avenue, Kingston 10.

Contact: Ceila Morgan, PROCOmm – 926-6740 or 550-9330

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