Thursday 23 April 2015


Kingston, Jamaica, April 15, 2015

Five distinguished Jamaicans are to receive Living Legacy Awards from the CCRP (Caribbean Community of Retired Persons) Jamaica for their contribution to nation-building. This will be a special feature of the CCRP’s fifth Anniversary event to be held at the Devonshire, Devon House on Thursday, April 23, 2015.

The five recipients to be awarded this year are:  

·         Mrs. Merel Hanson, a retired nurse and currently the acting Chair of the National Council for Senior Citizens (NCSC).  She will be awarded the Inaugural Syringa Marshall-Burnett Award for her contribution in the fields of Health and Community Services.

·         Mrs. Beverly Hall-Taylor, former Executive Director of the National Council for Senior Citizens (NCSC) will be awarded for her contribution in the fields of Social and Community Service.

·         Ambassador K.G Anthony Hill, who has served Jamaica for decades both locally and internationally, for his contribution to the Diplomatic Service and the filed of Climate Change.

·         Mr. Ken Jones, for his contribution in the field of Journalism and his authorship of books on the lives of outstanding Jamaicans such as Marcus Garvey and Sir Alexander Bustamante.

·         Dr. Badih Shoucair, a medical doctor who has rendered outstanding services to the Jamaican community for over 60 years, will be awarded for his contribution in the fields of Health and Community Service.

CCRP Founder and CEO, Jean Lowrie-Chin stated that CCRP recognises the important contribution of many seniors to nation-building in Jamaica. She said, “There are many Jamaicans who have lived a life of service to our nation, seniors who have dedicated themselves to the building our country.  We want them to know and we want Jamaica to know that we applaud these persons, we respect them, and most of all, we want their contribution to be recognised by the Jamaican public.”

The CCRP Living Legacy Award was established in 2012 as part of Jamaica’s 50th Anniversary celebrations when over 60 Living Legends were honoured for their outstanding contribution in diverse fields of endeavour. To date over 73 persons from various walks of life have received Living Legacy Awards.
Contact:          Dorett Linton, CCRP Jamaica,
                        Tel. 929 - 3454, 383 - 2150

Ambassador K.G. Anthony Hill

Mrs. Beverly Hall-Taylor

Dr. Badih Shoucair

Mrs. Merel Hanson

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